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Let me ask this straight, do you have a website for your business? If yes, bravo! You already are on the right track. If no, what are you waiting for? Create a website for your business right away. Why, did you ask? Allow me to convince you.

In today’s technologically advanced world where the internet rules over the minds of people, having a properly built website is a must. As soon as a prospective customer gets aware of the existence of your business, the first thing they do is Google it. They look for a website to know better about your credibility, which often gets overlooked by business owners in an attempt to save money.

I know, you might be worried about the cost and maintenance of creating a website but trust me, once you invest in one, you’d be earning more than ever. And it’s not so costly either, it just requires proper planning and a little understanding of how things work on the internet. As for designing the website, it’s not very hard to hire a web designing and development company to beautify your website the way you like it. This website is going to be the first impression of your business so it’s always wise to invest in it.

More than 80% of people today research a business before deciding to purchase from it. If you still don’t have a website, you are missing out on a lot of your prospective buyers.

If you’re still hesitant about whether you should have a website or not and why you need to have a great first impression on your audience, here are some of the points that might help you decide better –

1. A professional website attracts customers

You might have a much stabilized business offline with decent customers approaching you. However, the size of the business and the number of consumers remain somehow stagnant. You create a website to grow the number. Now the question appears, how to draw customers to your website? Well, the answer to this is very simple.

Gaining visibility on Google and other search engines is the trick here. Make sure your website is well optimized so that more and more search results lead to your business. For that, you can learn the basics of SEO tools or hire an SEO consultant to help you with your visibility. This will result in customers, who research before making a purchasing decision, being attracted to your website the moment they search. You will witness the growth of your business in no time!

2. Showcase your products, services, reviews and testimonials

A well-built website is the best place to showcase all your products, the services you offer, consumer reviews, and testimonials – all together on one single site. A large number of buyers today in this smart world tend to research well before approaching any business. When they find a website with all this important information in one place, they save a lot of time than going around asking people about your business.

To further beautify their experience, you can attach pictures about your products and services and how it would feel to enter the physical location. You can add tags and headings to attract just the right kind of consumers to your business.

For instance, if you own a business of fitness supplies, pictures of people exercising or tags like “fat-free” food items could be appealing to your prospective consumers. If it is a gym, you can also add the before and after looks of your trusted consumers. The reviews of old customers can also gain the trust of your prospective ones.

3. Your business gains credibility and establishes a place in the industry

In today’s world, a consumer is always dubious. It makes difficult to trust a business with no website. Having a good, well-built website gives them the needed trust to approach your business. Your business gains credibility in their eyes and they tend to make a purchasing decision.
Along with credibility, a website also establishes your place in the industry.

No matter if you’re the first of your line of businesses to own a website or are a little late to the party, having a unique set up website that enhances your USP makes you stand apart from the crowd and have an identity. This gives your website a very good first impression and gives you a boost almost instantly.

4. Customers consider businesses that have a website

Today, it becomes important for the businesses to keep up with this fast advancing world. More and more people are preferring the online world over offline for their convenience. Consider having a competitor with a website and you still don’t have one, chances are, you would be losing a lot of prospective buyers to your competitor, only because they have a website.

More than 80% of consumers think that a website makes a business more credible and trustworthy. They might for once overlook social media pages but a website showcasing everything the business offers creates a brand value. It makes your business look more professional with more benefits for the consumers. They prefer to have a platform to post their queries, compare prices or services, and choose what is best for them. Thus, having a website with all that included attracts the customers more than anything.

5. Creating and managing a website is easy and ensures long term success

2020 was the year when the world population used the internet the most in the previous decade. People and places were all connected through the web. This has resulted in a major shift from the offline world to the online. Now at this time, if your business doesn’t have a website, you’re invisible to all the potential customers. Investing in a website ensures your presence for as long as your business survives, and even further.

It is easy to manage a website as it requires just basic knowledge of the internet. All that you put once on your website remains for a long time, making it accessible to everyone 24/7 even when you’re not working. It keeps attracting prospective buyers towards your business with the little effort you put.

6. Integrate google map on your website so people can find and contact you easily

One important step in setting a powerful website and a good first impression is to integrate Google map on your website. Embedding a map is easy and by doing that, you make the offline location of your business available to even those customers who hardly ever explore the area your business is located. It makes it easy for them to find you and contact you whenever they need it. They can also share the location of your business with their friends, ultimately increasing your number of prospective customers.

For instance, if you own a restaurant, people planning parties there could easily share the link of your map to invite all their guests easily to wherever your restaurant is located, making your business more suitable for them.

7. A Website helps in improving customer service and save you time

Having a website means you are available 24/7 to your customers. They can simply open your website and get solutions to their queries, post their questions, and even search for the answers on their own. Doing this offline by answering calls or replying to emails can be very tiresome and time-consuming. What can be done instead post the most asked questions and inquiries about your business on your website. All a new customer would have to do is search for your business on Google, open your website, and get solutions to their problems almost instantly.

This will save you a lot of time and yet remain an efficient way of handling customer issues. Even then if the customer is not satisfied, the contact information posted on your website can come in handy for them to contact you. This way the customers would only contact you if they have a unique inquiry to make or a different issue to be handled, saving you plenty of time to yourself.

This saved time could be used by you for other works that might add value to your business in any way.

8. Position yourself and get all these benefits without spending a fortune

Your website is your business’s representative online. It defines your quality and credibility while making you stand apart from the crowd. It shapes the perspective of your business in such a way that more and more customers find it useful. This makes you position your company in the market and attract exactly the type of customers you target for.

At the same time, it is easy and affordable to build and sustain a website. There are many website development agency that you can approach and many professional who can help you up with setting your perfect website. This one-time investment can lead to a massive growth of your business in the market and eventually, you will end up saving a fortune.

So, what do you think? I hope you are convinced by now. Your business needs to grow and that could be easily achieved with a well-built website and a great first impression.

If you’re concerned about your website and want to know how to optimize it and generate more sales online. We’ve got a complete group of website developer and digital marketing experts who will prepare audit report of your website. To learn more, get in touch with us. Click here.

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